mänskliga relationer är med vilka du värdesätter ditt liv
det bara är så
Not about to see your light. But if you wanna find hell with me. I can show you what it's like. Till you're bleeding.
Vad är vetenskap egentligen?
Vetenskap sägs vara en rad av olika påvisade fakta, men vad är egentligen denna fakta? Så och så är så, eftersom så och så är så. Hur? Vad är det vi baserar vår kunskap på egentligen, och vad är vår kunskap? Vi baserer kunskap på kunskap, men hur har vi kommit fram till att det är solid fakta, om vi inte kan påvisa all faktas realitet? Hur mycket vet vi egentligen om det vi säger att vi vet?
Vetenskap är kunskap om olika ting. Vi baserar sanningar på undersökningar och experiment, men vad är det vi undersköker?
Hur kan ett ögonblick fångas på bild, och hur kan vi spela in och höra ljudet på en skiva? Jo, det är för att...? Men vad är detta "för att..."? Finns det på riktigt, eller har vi själva uppfunnit dessa "eftersom..."? Hur kan vi människor egentligen förstå någonting av det vi förstår?
Vi baserar vårat liv på dessa sanningar om vår värld, men vad är det vi kan se i vår värld? Behöver man kanske istället förstå den subjektiva människan, för att kunna förstå alla sanningar?
Genom att framhäva vissa sanningar, så blir de mer synliga för oss människor. Ligger de gömda i skymundan, så väljer vi att inte se dem. Dagens sanning är mogondagens lögn. Har vår väld blivit mer klar för oss människor, eller håller vi endast på att förvandla den till ett enormt upphav av fakta, eller kanske lögner?
Är din dröm din verklighet, eller är din verklighet din dröm?
Vad vet vi och vad behöver vi veta?
När man redan vet det man inte borde veta
that hunch
Justin Hook - 10 orsaker till varför det är svårt att vara intelligent
1. You’re not actually intelligent. You think you’re really smart, but just wait. One day soon you’ll be driving down the road, then all of a sudden you’ll get the feeling you forgot something. You’ll check your pockets — wallet, phone — and it’ll occur to you: “I forgot my car keys!” Then you’ll turn around and drive home to find them because, really, you’re not that bright.
2. You’re depressed. Intelligent people are statistically much more likely to be depressed. It’s true what they say, ignorance is bliss. You, on the other hand, realize how terrible other people are, how terrible you yourself are, how royally screwed the world is, how quickly you’re dying, how little any of that matters. Yes, your life is interspersed with moments of joy, but you can’t reason yourself into retaining happiness. That’s like telling your brain to enjoy the cookie you ate yesterday while currently eating your way out of the world’s largest jar of Vegemite. It’s not logical.
3. You’re the IT guy. Why are smart people so good with computers? Because computers aren’t that hard. Alas, your uncle is never going to figure out how to update his firmware, so that’s on you for as long as computers are a thing.
4. Your intelligence is wasted. Growing up, people said you could do anything. You got into a great college, made the Dean’s List a semester or two, and finally managed to land a coveted job at the Acme Corporation. Now you answer phones and fill out spreadsheets. Sadly that A- in calculus does little to keep you warm at night.
5. Your intelligence is ignored. One night you and a group of friends are looking up at the sky when one of them points to a bright point of light. “Look,” he says, “It’s a satellite.” Looking up, you realize he’s pointing at Venus, and you say so. But then this girl (who thinks you’re arrogant for some reason) agrees it is definitely a satellite, adding, “Sorry, but you’re wrong.” The next day, you email them a link to a site that explains satellites in geosynchronous orbit are usually too far away to be seen by the naked eye. “He’s still on about that?” they whisper when you turn your back. “What a douche.”
6. Your ignorance is magnified. Soon after the Venus/satellite incident, you let it slip that you think Desmond Tutu is a jazz musician, and suddenly your knowledge (or lack thereof) is all anyone wants to talk about. And now you have a reputation for being both arrogant and ignorant.
7. You’re not smarter than a smart phone. It used to be enough for smart people to be right 80% of the time — who was going to take the time to look up your errors in a book?! But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time, you have to be right with stunning accuracy. Unfortunately for you, Google has better sources than “something I’m pretty sure my ninth-grade teacher said one time.”
8. You can’t think about politics without your head exploding. If you’re a fan of intelligent debate, genuinely interested in discussing the best way to govern our country, the political process should be your American Idol. The only problem is: our elections aren’t decided by the intelligentsia — they’re decided by people who watch American Idol. So get ready for another remark full of rhetoric and lacking substance, prepare for another shouting match over an irrelevant topic, and enjoy living in a world in which Sarah Palin is a formidable contender for supreme political power.
9. You have to live a respectable life. Being smart will give you access to certain opportunities, like high-paying jobs with a level of prestige. But almost all of these opportunities carry the additional requirement that you be “respectable,” meaning they’ll disappear if you go out and get a neck tattoo, drop out of society to hitchhike through Mexico, or continually update your Facebook with posts about Gossip Girl. Yes, the kid from Heavy Weights is all grown up and playing the elevator operator. Keep that revelation to yourself and go buy some slacks.
10. You should know better. If there’s one thing the “smart” characters on every TV show have in common, it’s that they’re the spoilsports. As the person in the glasses who is capable of looking at this situation from multiple angles, you are the one whose job it is to say, “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” and then ultimately lament, “I knew I should have stayed home today.” Your only hope is that the charismatic guy in the baseball cap will save you from this sticky situation — and maybe teach you a lesson about life along the way.
11. Your entertainment options are limited. Face it: you’re part of a very small demographic. Enjoy those Arrested Development DVDs.
bäst eller häst?
du kan göra eller förgöra ditt sinne.
Du formar din stad och staden formar dig
Estetiken är formad av människan själv, och angränsningarna för var städer och land börjar och slutar är inte konstanta. Den struktur vi skapat upprätthålls av oss människor, men tvingar oss också till att förändra detta så kallade samhälle. Eller så har vi valet att leva kvar i det vi har, men ett konstant samhälle leder inte till utveckling. Inget samhälle existerar utan att utvecklas. De människor som fortsätter att utveckla denna utpekade estetiska kreation är människor som du integrerar med och kan självklart vara delaktiga i ditt eget formande, på samma sätt som du kan vara en påverkande faktor för honom, henne eller dem. Samtidigt som strukturen påverkar individens handlande.
Shut the gates at sunset
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it’s all about
You're open to the skyline
You won't want to go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone
But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin
Face against the window
You can't watch it fade to grey
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay
But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
sökandet efter perfektion i ett vardagligt liv
Ordet lagom är ännu ett bevis på att vi människor söker perfektion i större utsträckning än vad vi egentligen vill tro.
Lagom betyder perfekt. Perfektionen är subjektiv.
det bara är så
Not about to see your light. But if you wanna find hell with me. I can show you what it's like. Till you're bleeding.
Vad är vetenskap egentligen?
Vetenskap sägs vara en rad av olika påvisade fakta, men vad är egentligen denna fakta? Så och så är så, eftersom så och så är så. Hur? Vad är det vi baserar vår kunskap på egentligen, och vad är vår kunskap? Vi baserer kunskap på kunskap, men hur har vi kommit fram till att det är solid fakta, om vi inte kan påvisa all faktas realitet? Hur mycket vet vi egentligen om det vi säger att vi vet?
Vetenskap är kunskap om olika ting. Vi baserar sanningar på undersökningar och experiment, men vad är det vi undersköker?
Hur kan ett ögonblick fångas på bild, och hur kan vi spela in och höra ljudet på en skiva? Jo, det är för att...? Men vad är detta "för att..."? Finns det på riktigt, eller har vi själva uppfunnit dessa "eftersom..."? Hur kan vi människor egentligen förstå någonting av det vi förstår?
Vi baserar vårat liv på dessa sanningar om vår värld, men vad är det vi kan se i vår värld? Behöver man kanske istället förstå den subjektiva människan, för att kunna förstå alla sanningar?
Genom att framhäva vissa sanningar, så blir de mer synliga för oss människor. Ligger de gömda i skymundan, så väljer vi att inte se dem. Dagens sanning är mogondagens lögn. Har vår väld blivit mer klar för oss människor, eller håller vi endast på att förvandla den till ett enormt upphav av fakta, eller kanske lögner?
Är din dröm din verklighet, eller är din verklighet din dröm?
Vad vet vi och vad behöver vi veta?
När man redan vet det man inte borde veta
that hunch
Justin Hook - 10 orsaker till varför det är svårt att vara intelligent
1. You’re not actually intelligent. You think you’re really smart, but just wait. One day soon you’ll be driving down the road, then all of a sudden you’ll get the feeling you forgot something. You’ll check your pockets — wallet, phone — and it’ll occur to you: “I forgot my car keys!” Then you’ll turn around and drive home to find them because, really, you’re not that bright.
2. You’re depressed. Intelligent people are statistically much more likely to be depressed. It’s true what they say, ignorance is bliss. You, on the other hand, realize how terrible other people are, how terrible you yourself are, how royally screwed the world is, how quickly you’re dying, how little any of that matters. Yes, your life is interspersed with moments of joy, but you can’t reason yourself into retaining happiness. That’s like telling your brain to enjoy the cookie you ate yesterday while currently eating your way out of the world’s largest jar of Vegemite. It’s not logical.
3. You’re the IT guy. Why are smart people so good with computers? Because computers aren’t that hard. Alas, your uncle is never going to figure out how to update his firmware, so that’s on you for as long as computers are a thing.
4. Your intelligence is wasted. Growing up, people said you could do anything. You got into a great college, made the Dean’s List a semester or two, and finally managed to land a coveted job at the Acme Corporation. Now you answer phones and fill out spreadsheets. Sadly that A- in calculus does little to keep you warm at night.
5. Your intelligence is ignored. One night you and a group of friends are looking up at the sky when one of them points to a bright point of light. “Look,” he says, “It’s a satellite.” Looking up, you realize he’s pointing at Venus, and you say so. But then this girl (who thinks you’re arrogant for some reason) agrees it is definitely a satellite, adding, “Sorry, but you’re wrong.” The next day, you email them a link to a site that explains satellites in geosynchronous orbit are usually too far away to be seen by the naked eye. “He’s still on about that?” they whisper when you turn your back. “What a douche.”
6. Your ignorance is magnified. Soon after the Venus/satellite incident, you let it slip that you think Desmond Tutu is a jazz musician, and suddenly your knowledge (or lack thereof) is all anyone wants to talk about. And now you have a reputation for being both arrogant and ignorant.
7. You’re not smarter than a smart phone. It used to be enough for smart people to be right 80% of the time — who was going to take the time to look up your errors in a book?! But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time, you have to be right with stunning accuracy. Unfortunately for you, Google has better sources than “something I’m pretty sure my ninth-grade teacher said one time.”
8. You can’t think about politics without your head exploding. If you’re a fan of intelligent debate, genuinely interested in discussing the best way to govern our country, the political process should be your American Idol. The only problem is: our elections aren’t decided by the intelligentsia — they’re decided by people who watch American Idol. So get ready for another remark full of rhetoric and lacking substance, prepare for another shouting match over an irrelevant topic, and enjoy living in a world in which Sarah Palin is a formidable contender for supreme political power.
9. You have to live a respectable life. Being smart will give you access to certain opportunities, like high-paying jobs with a level of prestige. But almost all of these opportunities carry the additional requirement that you be “respectable,” meaning they’ll disappear if you go out and get a neck tattoo, drop out of society to hitchhike through Mexico, or continually update your Facebook with posts about Gossip Girl. Yes, the kid from Heavy Weights is all grown up and playing the elevator operator. Keep that revelation to yourself and go buy some slacks.
10. You should know better. If there’s one thing the “smart” characters on every TV show have in common, it’s that they’re the spoilsports. As the person in the glasses who is capable of looking at this situation from multiple angles, you are the one whose job it is to say, “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” and then ultimately lament, “I knew I should have stayed home today.” Your only hope is that the charismatic guy in the baseball cap will save you from this sticky situation — and maybe teach you a lesson about life along the way.
11. Your entertainment options are limited. Face it: you’re part of a very small demographic. Enjoy those Arrested Development DVDs.
2. You’re depressed. Intelligent people are statistically much more likely to be depressed. It’s true what they say, ignorance is bliss. You, on the other hand, realize how terrible other people are, how terrible you yourself are, how royally screwed the world is, how quickly you’re dying, how little any of that matters. Yes, your life is interspersed with moments of joy, but you can’t reason yourself into retaining happiness. That’s like telling your brain to enjoy the cookie you ate yesterday while currently eating your way out of the world’s largest jar of Vegemite. It’s not logical.
3. You’re the IT guy. Why are smart people so good with computers? Because computers aren’t that hard. Alas, your uncle is never going to figure out how to update his firmware, so that’s on you for as long as computers are a thing.
4. Your intelligence is wasted. Growing up, people said you could do anything. You got into a great college, made the Dean’s List a semester or two, and finally managed to land a coveted job at the Acme Corporation. Now you answer phones and fill out spreadsheets. Sadly that A- in calculus does little to keep you warm at night.
5. Your intelligence is ignored. One night you and a group of friends are looking up at the sky when one of them points to a bright point of light. “Look,” he says, “It’s a satellite.” Looking up, you realize he’s pointing at Venus, and you say so. But then this girl (who thinks you’re arrogant for some reason) agrees it is definitely a satellite, adding, “Sorry, but you’re wrong.” The next day, you email them a link to a site that explains satellites in geosynchronous orbit are usually too far away to be seen by the naked eye. “He’s still on about that?” they whisper when you turn your back. “What a douche.”
6. Your ignorance is magnified. Soon after the Venus/satellite incident, you let it slip that you think Desmond Tutu is a jazz musician, and suddenly your knowledge (or lack thereof) is all anyone wants to talk about. And now you have a reputation for being both arrogant and ignorant.
7. You’re not smarter than a smart phone. It used to be enough for smart people to be right 80% of the time — who was going to take the time to look up your errors in a book?! But now that every person with a smart phone has instant access to every bit of human knowledge, not only do you have to be right 100% of the time, you have to be right with stunning accuracy. Unfortunately for you, Google has better sources than “something I’m pretty sure my ninth-grade teacher said one time.”
8. You can’t think about politics without your head exploding. If you’re a fan of intelligent debate, genuinely interested in discussing the best way to govern our country, the political process should be your American Idol. The only problem is: our elections aren’t decided by the intelligentsia — they’re decided by people who watch American Idol. So get ready for another remark full of rhetoric and lacking substance, prepare for another shouting match over an irrelevant topic, and enjoy living in a world in which Sarah Palin is a formidable contender for supreme political power.
9. You have to live a respectable life. Being smart will give you access to certain opportunities, like high-paying jobs with a level of prestige. But almost all of these opportunities carry the additional requirement that you be “respectable,” meaning they’ll disappear if you go out and get a neck tattoo, drop out of society to hitchhike through Mexico, or continually update your Facebook with posts about Gossip Girl. Yes, the kid from Heavy Weights is all grown up and playing the elevator operator. Keep that revelation to yourself and go buy some slacks.
10. You should know better. If there’s one thing the “smart” characters on every TV show have in common, it’s that they’re the spoilsports. As the person in the glasses who is capable of looking at this situation from multiple angles, you are the one whose job it is to say, “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” and then ultimately lament, “I knew I should have stayed home today.” Your only hope is that the charismatic guy in the baseball cap will save you from this sticky situation — and maybe teach you a lesson about life along the way.
11. Your entertainment options are limited. Face it: you’re part of a very small demographic. Enjoy those Arrested Development DVDs.
bäst eller häst?
du kan göra eller förgöra ditt sinne.
Du formar din stad och staden formar dig
Estetiken är formad av människan själv, och angränsningarna för var städer och land börjar och slutar är inte konstanta. Den struktur vi skapat upprätthålls av oss människor, men tvingar oss också till att förändra detta så kallade samhälle. Eller så har vi valet att leva kvar i det vi har, men ett konstant samhälle leder inte till utveckling. Inget samhälle existerar utan att utvecklas. De människor som fortsätter att utveckla denna utpekade estetiska kreation är människor som du integrerar med och kan självklart vara delaktiga i ditt eget formande, på samma sätt som du kan vara en påverkande faktor för honom, henne eller dem. Samtidigt som strukturen påverkar individens handlande.
Shut the gates at sunset
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it’s all about
You're open to the skyline
You won't want to go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone
But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it’s all about
You're open to the skyline
You won't want to go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone
But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin
Face against the window
You can't watch it fade to grey
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay
But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
sökandet efter perfektion i ett vardagligt liv
Ordet lagom är ännu ett bevis på att vi människor söker perfektion i större utsträckning än vad vi egentligen vill tro.
Lagom betyder perfekt. Perfektionen är subjektiv.
Lagom betyder perfekt. Perfektionen är subjektiv.